How can I quickly become an MDRT in life insurance? This is a question that many financial consultants always think about to find the right path. In this course, you will have the opportunity to learn about the peculiarities of this profession, as well as the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed. Besides, you will also love this job more if you realize the great power that life insurance can bring to people.
The course will help you reshape the entire insurance selling process, provide the most effective tools and processes to push sales process faster and more accurate, reduce the risk of effort and money, know how to handle rejections, how to close deals and sell more products. The most importance is to reorient the way of thinking in product introduction, because many people mistakenly believe that it must show risks or disadvantages which occur in the future to have successful life insurance advice. Then customers feel “afraid” and arise the need to buy insurance to prevent risks for themselves.
In fact, customers will only buy the insurance package which advised when:
- They understand what life insurance is
- They understand why their family should be involved
- They understand life insurance benefits they receive
- They trust you, so they trust your company
If the consultation fails to achieve those 4 elements, the client will never sign the contract.
The “12 Steps To Become A MDRT” course will help you find the life insurance career success map and quickly become a MDRT.
- Self-discovery and critique
- Group exploration and facilitator led discussions
- Practical exercises
- Best practice theory exploration
By the end of this training course participants will be able to:
- Set goals and plans for personal branding.
- Effectively build and connect with potential customers.
- Initiate and analyze customers’ needs and financial capabilities.
- Persuasive presentation of the meaning of life insurance with 5 images close to daily life.
- Confidently close deals and handle rejections.
- Professional and dedicated service.
Financial Consultants in Life Insurance
- 02 days (6 hours per day)
Module 1. Building personal brand in the current 4.0 era
- Overview of the digital age 4.0
- Shaping your brand on Social Media
- 5 steps to build a communication plan to build a brand on Social Media
- How to write articles on social networks
- Methods of finding and connecting with potential customers on the Internet and Social Media
Module 2. On-demand counseling skills
- The importance of on-demand counseling skills:
- Analysis of life insurance needs according to 3 financial levels of customers.
- Practice the “5 golden question” method
- The 5-step process of creating a need
- Suggested scenarios and practices that elicit need: Protection, Education, and Retirement.
- The method to increase the contract size by the tool TVM (Time Value of Money) – the method to calculate the future value of money.
Module 3. Personal financial planning skills
- 3 stages of personal financial planning
- The “cost and risk transfer” approach
- Model “4 levels of finance”
- 4 ideas for life insurance consulting according to personal financial management methods:
- Diagram “Financial Bee”
- Tony Robbins’ 50:50 Investment Model
- Personal finance management ideas 50:30:20
- 6 Jars Financial Management System Model
Module 4. Persuasive Presentation Skills
- 3 factors to help achieve all goals in life: love, responsibility and finance
- The power of Verbal & Non-verbal elements
- The 4-step process of presenting the benefit chart
- The 5C principle of Persuasive Presentation: Complete, Clear, Correct, Concise, Courteous
- Clearly define the product’s FAB: Feature (feature) – Advantage (outstanding advantage) – Benefit (benefit)
- Practice leading according to the method of balancing between financial NEEDS and financial possibilities of customers.
- 2 Ideas for expressing feelings about the meaning of life insurance:
- Income Rock
- Pictures of Dream House
Module 5. Overcoming Rejections & Closing Contracts
- Confidently overcome rejections with the APAC model: Acknowledge – Probe – Answer – Close
- 3 most popular and effective closing ideas:
- “Hot” highlight
- Advantage – Disadvantage
- Choose 1 of 2
- 4 ideas for closing contracts with special customers.
- Practice responding to the 8 most common rejections today.
Module 6. MDRT-class customer service
- Why need professional and high-class service?
- Understanding customer expectations
- Self-assess according to 4 levels of customer service.
- SIM (Simple Impression Moments) – Effective service moments.
- Classify 4 groups of customers according to DISC and influence methods
- Skills to overcome customer complaints & practice 3 common situations
- Methods of Upselling & Cross-selling and asking for effective referrals in the process of serving customers.